Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Response: Trends Assignment

I really enjoyed "parts" of this assignment. I was great to catch up with an old classmate and here him talk about how much he enjoys hi job and how much he has learned since he left to join the real design world. It was also made me want to get out there and start increasing the number and quality of my own design skills. 
It just seems so awesome to make a living creating these gorgeous layouts and imagies and that people are paying to look at something you designed. It was just fun to hear what that was like.
I will say that the assignment also has been one of the worst assignments of my college history. I have never had to transcribe an interview much less a 30 minute interview and it was utter hell. I know I am not the fastest typer by any means and that I key typos all the time, so ya I was probably a little bit slower than your average student. It took me like 3 hours to get that thing done and I was so happy once I was. I hope that is the last time I am asked to do that but I am sure knowing my luck it wont be. Hopefully we can get better voice recognition technology by then and I will be able to just play the interview for my computer and it will totally take care of it for me. 

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