Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Critique: Taxidermy Feature

Here is the mostly finished taxidermy feature there still might be some minor tweaks but for the most part this is it. I think that all and all it turned out well. It was a pretty simple feature because the photos were so great you didnt want to distract from them to much you wanted to give them room to breathe and shine. We used a light blue to represent the freezing aspect at least in my mind that is what the color stood for. I tried to take some risk in the early rough drafts by adding a fur color and texture to the tagline and a cooler to the side bar, but they were not the most well received so we made some changes and this what the feature came out looking like. I like it. I feel it is a little bare but it is clean with a sophisticated amount of white space.


  1. It does feel a little bare but white space is always good! I actually really liked your first designs on this feature.

  2. Ya I like my first design as well, but the higher powers decided on something a little more simple.
