Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Critique: Taxidermy Feature

Here is the rough draft of my taxidermy feature that will run next week in Vox. It is actually a pretty neat story. They pictures were a little gruesome, but there were enough good pictures to pick from I didn't have to use the bloody mucky ones. I decided to put animal prints in the hed to make it pop a little. After talking with my art director, I am most likely going to nix the exotic prints and use more domestic animal fur patches. The story is pretty short, so I had plenty of room to run some really large photos. I also figured out that I am waiting on a side bar that will really change the flow of the spreads I am guessing so I will have to work that in once we get it. As of now though this is what I am working with.

1 comment:

  1. Will,

    We discussed this today, and I just want to say something that everybody agreed on, for the most part. The opening spread photo is a really great choice. This photo definitely addresses the story's ideals right away, which is great considering you start the story later on the next spread. I would say maybe start your text before the fourth page, but other than that I like your draft and I was really impressed. Good job!

    Abby Allen
