Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Response: T/F Film "No"

I did not see many films during T/ F, but one film I did see was No. The main reason that I wanted to see it was I already know about the movie and had seen the trailer for it before T/F. I really like the actor Gael Garcia Bernal who plays the main character Rene Saavedra. I have seen him in other movies and know he makes really god films, so I had a good feeling this movie would also be good and I was right. It was shot entirely on period camera that gave a feeling you were actually watching a film for the 80s.
The movie is about the political campaign in Chile to end the Pinochet regime. It is a strong heartfelt film that also has it light and fun moments. I enjoyed seeing the campaign advertising parts of the movie as well.

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