Thursday, March 21, 2013

Critique: Older Designs

It has been a slower week for me when it comes to designing. It is the last few days before spring break so of course I have had the worst head cold I have had all winter, so I don't mind the lighter work load. Since I didn't have much to design I am going to show a few older designs and maybe my fellow classmates will be able to give me a few pointers on how I can make the designs a little sharper. I am always looking for pointers to make my clips better. That is one thing I really enjoy about this profession is your clips can say so much about you and really help you get a job even if you don't have that much experience.

Here some older designs I wanna tweak:

The first two were concept covers for for a story about a woman who got rid of almost all her possessions to life a simpler and cleaner lifestyle.
The third was a story that focused on how different professors dressed on campus. This is the splash page of the feature story.
The last is my final project for a photography class. I actually took all the picture in the spread and designed the spread as well. 
I would love feed back on all the designs from anyone. 

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