Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Critique: Mini Portfolio Cover

It took me forever to decide on the theme that I wanted to carry throughout my mini portfolio and then I was looking at minimalist movie posters and I saw a Place Beyond the Pines poster that has the three trees on it. I really liked that and then kind of just put together an outdoor/nature theme around those trees with my own spin on it. I also had to incorporate a beard in there somewhere. I just love my beard and beards in general are great. I was told by someone whose design opinion I respect a lot that the lettering under my name might be a bit much. What do you all think? Actually any feedback would be great.

1 comment:

  1. Will, I think your portfolio design is awesome! I really liked the theme you came up with and how it is consistent throughout the whole portfolio. I like the letters underneath your name on their own, but with your name and the trees illustration it's a little much. Also, the "WF" with the trees and your name is the cool typography looks to me like two separate logos, maybe you should consider taking the "WF" out of the trees? Just an idea!
