Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Critique: iPad Art of Fiction Feature

This week I got to work on my iPad feature finally. I was a little worried about working on it since I have never really worked with the iPad, but it wasn't that bad and I had a lot of help from Will. I also really liked the theme of the feature this week so that might have helped move the design along well. Since it was all about fiction I thought it would be cool to make the story into a book where you would kinda flip through it to get to the next story. I also really like my table of contents. I like how each illustrated line gives you a hint at what the story could be about but in all reality it is just a tiny glimpse of what is to come much like a real TOC where you get a little blurb of the story to come. Here is the splash and the TOC you will have to look at the actual issue to see the stories.

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