Wednesday, January 30, 2013

You Can't Miss: Logo Design for New NBA Team

I am not sure if any of you on here follow professional basketball much, I wouldn't blame you if you didn't I am not much of a fan myself. I did stumble across something interesting while reading a design blog. The New Orleans Hornets have decided to change their teams mascot. Here is a side by side of the old and new mascot.

     I love logos and branding so this story caught my eye. I like how the new logo has more of a New Orleans feel to it. I mean are there even hornets in New Orleans. I am pretty sure they have at least a few pelicans. The color scheme is much more fitting I believe as well.
     The above logo is just the primary logo. They have also come up with multiple secondary logos. 

I personally enjoy the main logo most, but I also like the simple circular logo design. It is simple and clean which I think makes for a good logo. I always like seeing new teams in the NFL, MLB, NBA and other major sporting associations, because you get to see all these new designs. It will also be interesting to see how they redesign the basketball arena to fit the style of this new team. I am sure it will be a while before we see those designs, but I am interested to see what they will do. 


  1. "NFL, MLB, NBA and other major sporting associations," what about the NHL?(yells the hockey fan inside of me). I love this redesign as well. It looks so much more professional compared to the hornets. The hornets look like a logo for a high school or middle school team not an NBA team. Thanks for posting the secondary logos as well! Its interesting to see the adaptation for smaller sizes.

  2. Will,

    I love that you found this. I'm a MAVS fan all day long but even with that aside I've always felt like the New Orleans logo needed some work. It never appeared to be the type of logo you would associate with an NBA team. It looked more like something you'd see for someone's junior high team.

    Though a pelican is still an "interesting" choice for a mascot the logo is head and shoulders above the new one. It says "we're grown men, not little boys, and you will respect us." I think if the N.O. could get their power situation together at the Superdome then they'd really be on a role!
